Hi there. It's your friendly neighborhood Laura here, indulging in some good old-fasioned procrastination. Damn, I never thought I'd escape from studying in a blog entry about absolutely nothing, so in the interest of not wasting your time just cuz I'm wasting mine, here goes:
I'm still on edge about the attractiveness thing. But it's not as though I'm searching for validation from other people such that they have to sit me down and say, "Laura, you are pretty". It's an internal thing I'm struggling with and it will probably just take some time until I come out of this funk about it. Meanwhile, my self esteem looks like one of those dirty dumpsters behind a slaughterhouse--not a pretty picture.
I spent some time with Josh Friday night even though I promised I wouldn't because I was just so happy to be with him. He can be such a wonderful person sometimes (not that he's not all the time) that it just bows my mind. I really love Maroon 5 and Adam Levine, in case you didn't know. So one night I was blathering on about a tour they're doing--the only one of '05--and how I really wanted to go. So I looked up some dates and started talking about it, halfheartedly suggesting that he make it my birthday present. I know he doesn't particularly care for them, or at least he hasn't expressed the interest, but he still hinted that he might go with me! AND what's more, when I woke up the next morning he IMed me a copy of the confirmation--he bought the tickets!! I was so happy happy excited I almost peed myself right then and there. It's my first concert, really, cuz the thing is I always go with ppl to their concerts but it's not music I really like. It's hard not to get carried away with the electricity of the crowd, though, so I always ended up having a good time, but this is different. It's Maroon 5, and I love them! I'm still really excited even though it's not until 4/14.
Josh is such a sweetheart sometimes.. so selfless :) I love him.
Other than that I'm cool, working on school stuff and trying not to end up failing anything hehe. So that means I better study. I guess I'll ttyl everyone. Perhaps, if you're good, you'll get more later.