Wednesday, October 05, 2005

just keepin' ya posted.

I took the LSAT on October 1 and it did go a lot better than the last one. What I got, however, remains to be seen (I'll probably let you know around the 25th or so when I find out).

Right now I'm trying not to let worries consume my life. It seems like every year I'm doing fine until the little worries resurface to nag at me, eating away at the peace that I got over the summer. I'm going to try and not worry so much, reassure myself that things will work out fine because they're supposed to. Good triumphs over evil, that sort of thing.

There really has been a TON of reading these past couple of weeks. What possessed me to take 3 English classes simultaneously? It's like I don't have enough time to do more than finish a few pages of one before I have to start on the other, and I'm a fast reader. I guess it would help if some of the books we read were actually interesting, but.. you know, we do live in a time of academia and boredom, especially in our English classes. I'll cope like usual.

Josh and I are fighting some but we're also settling in to being together. I've started not hiding him from people in my life, and he does come up in casual conversation. I feel somewhat better about that (well, I haven't told my mom though, so...umm yeah) and maybe it will help me do better in the future. I'm not ashamed of my relationship with him, it's just really complicated to tell people. But if I love him, I should suck it up. So I'm tryin' to do that.

Well.. I've also been enjoying TV these past few days, so I'm gonna go enjoy some more. Laterz.



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