Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Warning: for those of you not equipped to handle my sexuality, I advise you to skip this post and maybe check back in tomorrow or something when I'm feeling a little less sexy.

But I'm glad you stayed. :) It should get interesting.

I just wanted to say that music is a very sexy thing. At times, even without words, a singer's voice can make a girl feel things that she hasn't felt in a long time, or things that she's never felt before. Personally, I enjoy music that's got a little compositional sophistication. I'll listen to pretty much anything that sounds good and find myself ignoring the words and just groovin' to the beat and the music of whatever it is. Later on, after the song is jammed in my mind like a fat kid's hand in a cookie jar, I go to look up the lyrics and find it's all about killing babies and raping ducks or something and then I'll feel kind of stupid. Okay, maybe that was an exaggeration. But anyway, sometimes the lyrics aren't as good as just the music. I should start buying instrumental versions of stuff...

That said, I really do enjoy Maroon 5's work. If they ever have time to jump on the internet and read random blogs (which, them being very famous I highly doubt), I pray they find their way to this little spot and read just how much I love what they do. See, to me, when a man is musical, he is hott. And whether he looks like Adonis or a butt-ugly ratface, he is hott and can get chicks. I don't think men understand that about me or they would all go get musical training, thereby securing the panty drawers. Anyway, Maroon 5 just has this sensual element in all of their songs that makes me inadvertently wish that I could, like, make out with Adam (at the very least). His voice is like warmed up taffy or molasses or something with a very low viscosity that drips slowly down my spine and you could trace the trail with your tongue or something. And then I turn into this huge puddle on the floor.. I can't help singing with them, either. And I listen again and again to the same song over and over until I've memorized each fluctuation of his voice.

To get a little graphic, I've never had sex to music, but to Maroon 5's stuff I think I might be able to. Even though I have a one-track mind in the bedroom, I'm sorry to say, I think their stuff would kinda get inside of you and become part of the rhythm of the whole act. They just ooze a dark room lit by nothing but raspberry-scented candles, maroon silk and gold trimmings. Being an English major, I have a very vivid imagination and I see that whole scene turning into something way steamier than daytime soap pillow talk. Ugh. I need to get laid.

In other news, I'm heading back to campus tomorrow (which is actually today now, since it's 2am CST) around 10:30 or so. The trip should be smooth assuming we don't get anymore of that cold cold rain which I hate so much. I definitely need to do some cleaning of my room; I'm sure it's an absolute mess. Anyways, I should get to bed and everything. 'Night, and have a good day.


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