Saturday, May 07, 2005

not much going on here, except me realizing that I really just want to get out of here as soon as possible. it'd be nice to get a real job that would pay my rent and bills so I don't have to live at home during law school, but that would probably just be wishful thinking.

I want my own space really badly, guys. not that living at home is so terrible but I enjoy being alone a lot of the time, cooking when I want, cleaning when I want.. and more importantly not picking up after other people. that's key.

I'm planning on going on a diet that includes caffeine as an appetite suppressant. it started when I realized I can't really fit many of the clothes I purchased last summer in thinner, warmer days. but that's gonna be okay. so I'll start that monday, I guess.

damn I don't have much to say tonight. it's been a slow week. I start LSAT class on Saturday even though I don't know if anyone's going to cancel for the test and I'll get a spot.. that would be nice. but I'll keep you updated on what happens. keep your fingers crossed for me for luck, wouldja? thanks.

paix. (if I remember French correctly, which I probably don't.)


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