Monday, March 21, 2005

*sigh* This weekend was blissfully unproductive, for the most part, which is what I was seeking from it. I went to the meeting for my RA class project and since this one girl has the wonderful gift of inability to stay on task for longer than 5 minutes at a time, our meeting lasted about and hour and a half. We met at 7, though, which meant I was on the bus stop alone at night in the cold before I got out to see Josh. He and I ate, then made love and cuddled, then fell asleep. He napped with me a while then got up to play poker and stuff until he felt sleepy again and came back to bed. It was nice enough to give me unmemorable dreams, which is a good thing.

Saturday he had to work so I spent some time with his mom, aunts, and cousins. His cousins (more like his second cousins or something) are about 8 and 6 or so and they were out shopping in celebration of the oldest one's birthday. They absolutely hate to shop, though, so it was like pulling teeth to get them to try on stuff at the stores. It was quite adorable, though, and I ended up being embarrassed by Josh's mom who insisted that I had to leave at 3 to "see [my] honey". I wanted to sink into the floor at that comment. Oh boy. But I did have the best chai latte at Panera bread.. omg guys you must taste it--it's incredible.

Anyways I'm back here now and chilling/preparing for the hellish next few days to come. Got both a paper and the RA project due Wednesday, which is approaching more quickly than I imagined. Ah well; I'm sure it'll all work out.

I need to develop more drive, and I will begin to push myself harder in order to accomplish the things that need to be done. Starting with going to the gym, and including talking to my GSI about getting a C in orgo II lab. Send your determination vibes this way, thanks.

P.S. My roommate is a sweet girl, but she sets her alarm impossibly early (for her.. around 8am) and doesn't wake up until the alarm is going nuts.. then she presses the snooze button like 10 times (not an exaggeration, seriously!) until I want to strangle her with the cord and gag her with the alarm clock. The purpose of having an alarm clock is so you can wake up when it alarms. If you can't do that, then I dunno what to tell you... It certainly is annoying.


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