Thursday, February 24, 2005

Sometimes I can listen to music and be completely transported by it. I let it take my whole being away from where I am and fly with it, or explore the depths of deep blue water, or dance in the middle of fire.. stuff like that. Right now I'm listening to Coldplay's Warning Sign and I just feel like swimming and not stopping.

Someone just called me a complex woman. I dunno how they get that when I feel so damned transparent I can't look people in the eyes during a conversation. It's strange. I suppose there are quite a few interesting things about me, but mainly I'm searching for tenderness and acceptance because in all the ways I've grown, I haven't really learned how to accept myself.

I'm a liar, but I still have the tendency to reveal stuff--true stuff--about me to pretty much everyone I meet. Sometimes it would be nice not to reveal so much and retain some of my mystery, but ah well. Dunno if that's possible the way I'm set in my ways now...

I'm staying a bit longer over Spring Break in order to tie up some loose ends around campus and get some extra hours at work which I desperately need to make some cash. That will help me out.

Anyway, maybe I'll also have some time to spend with Josh.. We haven't seen each other in what will be two weeks by the time we see each other again, so it should be a lot of fun to spend time with him. We'll see.

Before I go, I just wanna tell you about this neat kid that I've met through staff class. His name is Brian and he's very idiosyncratic and fun, and we make many a sex joke together. I don't have any feelings for him or anything but I do enjoy his company a great deal. I hope we can spend more time together; it just might be a new friendship.



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