Tuesday, February 01, 2005

In my head I know that things will never be perfect, but for some reason I can't stop myself from expecting the best. There are two ways to look at feeling that way: 1. it's optimism that refuses to quit even after it's been shot down repeatedly or 2. it's stupidity. Being a natural-born semi-pessimist, I call it a little bit of both (but mostly 2).

I have an orgo II test this evening and I'm as ready for it now as I'll ever be. It's funny how procrastinating for one thing can drive you toward another. I've done almost all my homework for all my other classes which included reading a 400pg novel over the weekend, lol, all cuz I didn't want to study for orgo. I did a homework assignment for Ling 212 that won't even be graded, and I've done the other orgo lab homework that I had to do. Yay me. Now if I could only get myself in gear about this paper in Eng 401...

Music helps keep my spirits uplifted. I like to sing as I walk and have people stare. It makes me feel happy inside.

I have no coat in the middle of Michigan winter because the one I had broke yesterday such that I can no longer unzip it. So I will be getting a new one Wednesday night, I guess. But I did finally stock my fridge yesterday, and that is good. So umm, other than that, things are gravy. I love you and be good.


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