Monday, March 14, 2005

So fighting urges to let new people in on the sideshow that is my life.. but I've defintely learned that that only leads to heartache and me stifling my true feelings.

Anyways, today was kinda nice. I always enjoy days when I can get into my RA class with all the awesome people they've chosen. It's funny that I can relate to all of them on some level and we all get along. There's never before been a group of people among which there's no bad dynamic or failure to get along, and you can't know just how awesome that is unless you experience it for yourself.

Hmm.. I didn't do anything else this weekend but hang out and work earlier in the afternoon. Work wasn't hard or anything, and I actually helped out a few nice people and got to knock off early, yay. I offered to drive out to Josh's for the night but he would prefer not to see me again until Saturday or something, I'm guessing because he says he wants us to spend an entire day together. I'm personally of the opinion that any time spent together is precious and it sucks that he doesn't want to see me tonight.. But whatever. I mean, if I tried to punish him by not coming out this weekend it'd only end up being punishment for myself, so I'll just let it go. Stress should be saved for the upcoming law school apps, hehe.

I withdrew from orgo II but I still have to study for the lab exam on Tuesday night. It'll be a huge load off my shoulders once it's over, assuming I do well on it. Still don't know what to study, but that shouldn't be a problem if I go to the SLC sometime before then. It'll get handled somehow, I'm sure. Plus I have a paper for Eng 401 and a group project for Psych 405 both due on the 23, which blows goats, man. It'll all get handled, though. And with minimal stress because that's the kind of girl I am this week.



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