Saturday, March 12, 2005

Last night was well on its way to turning into a sob fest. I had myself all worked up due to the early-morning rising and shitload of stuff I had to do yesterday. Josh and I had planned to see each other later that night as well, but I was so tired out that I just couldn't get myself to go get the car and drive all the way out there for the evening. So I decided (after much mind-changing) to stay here in A^2 for the weekend.

Olivia had invited me to go with her, her cousin and her friends to this Latino frat by Geddes and I wasn't going to at first.. I had even called and told her I wouldn't go, but then finally I changed my mind. It was pretty difficult to get myself in the mood to party cuz I was in self-pity mode and nothing looked right on me.. Blah blah. But I put on my game face and sucked it up.. we went with some freshmen (who couldnt hold their liquor, as we later discovered) but we had a good time. I got to dance for the first time in a long time in a nonthreatening environment. It was great to be unconcerned about how I looked to others, but I think that liquor had something to do with the shedding of my inhibitions. They had beer there--really cheap disgusting beer, and also jungle juice which was totally and completely awesome. I danced with some nice guys but mostly by myself.. it was good. And even though my roommate got a little drunk along with her friend and the freshmen peed on themselves (and one actually went behind a dumpster and peed in the snow, lol), and my feet are blistered today from walking about 2 miles home in the snow in high heels with no socks, I still had hella fun. Somehow it didn't matter that I was fat or not doing so well in school or had no money. It was just fun to dance and not care. I still have the desire to get drunk again tonight, but that's probably not gonna happen. Anywho... I'm grateful to them for inviting me. It's been a long time since I've gone out with my age group and had a good time, and that was sorely needed.

I'm working tomorrow but I also have to go to this thing for RA class at 6, which reminds me.. I totally have to pick up the boombox out of my car (hopefully it still works) to take there tomorrow. Don't let me forget. Have a great night all and a good tomorrow. Later!


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