Tuesday, September 07, 2004


This blog comes on the eve of my first day of school Fall 2004. I'm a current junior (as far as credits go) and I guess I'm excited about making it past the halfway point in my college career.

Most of you already know about me. Even when starting a new blog, it's kind of difficult not to carry that old baggage with you. But I want to look at things with new perspective; I'm on the verge of adulthood.

Yes, I see your hand raised there in the back, and I've got you covered:
Adulthood, for me, is that point where I'm able to look at the world and say, this is my place. Or at least, this is where I want my place to be. I can cover for myself and fend for myself. I can speak up and make my own way. Not that I won't need anyone else's help, but the majority of things will be provided by me and the goal will be to make myself happy. (As it so happens, making me happy is partially achieved through making others happy. No jaded world views here, people, I'm happy to say.)

So join me, won't you, as I take these baby steps on that great journey toward--you guessed it--Adultivity.



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